Monday, September 30, 2019

Superfund Recordkeeping

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, (SARA), provides for the identification, investigation and cleanup of Superfund, hazardous waste sites. Under these Acts, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to recover its response costs from responsible parties after participating in the investigation, cleanup, oversight, enforcement and other required administrative provisions. State agencies which spend CERCLA funds must account for and document all response costs to permit recovery of these costs from responsible parties by EPA and the State. Funds may also be provided to the State by EPA under a grant system to undertake Superfund related response activities. State agencies which spend CERCLA grant funds must account for and document all State costs. This manual outlines procedures involved with the expenditure of funds by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for CERCLA activities. It sets forth financial management and recordkeeping requirements for Superfund sites and for CERCLA related activities covered by EPA grants. Many of the principles and procedures covered by this manual serve as guidance for non-CERCLA sites, as well, which have the potential for future cost recovery actions. This manual will continue to be updated as new procedures are developed. Documentation procedures involve complex financial management and recordkeeping policies that must be followed to assure cost recovery. These policies are based on regulations and guidance, in part, set forth in: – Code of Federal Regulations, (CFR), Title 40, Part 31, Part 33 and Part 35, Subpart â€Å"O†. – â€Å"State Superfund Financial Management and Recordkeeping Guidance†, 1987, EPA. – OMB Circular No. A-87, † Cost Principles for State and Local Governments†. – Code of Maryland Regulations, (COMAR), Title 21. Key features of the Superfund financial management and recordkeeping policies which are set forth in detail herein in Section D, include: – Documentation of all expenses involved with response or grant-specified activities. – Recovery of â€Å"reasonable and necessary† costs only. – Identification of financial documents, and all other cost related records or agreements which may serve as the basis for determining or authorizing response costs, with the phrase – â€Å"SUPERFUND – DO NOT DESTROY†. – Maintaining timesheets and other financial document originals without alteration after approvals. – Maintenance of a unique file or set of files, either containing hard copies, or electronic images shall be maintained for each Superfund site which shall be identified by a project cost account (PCA) code to permit timely access to site records. Record categories within these files shall be organized in a consistent manner. – Maintenance of additional files, containing backup documentation which provide background and serve as a basis or authorization for costs, should also be maintained. These general files may contain information that is not necessarily site-specific. – Retain original documents for each site, OU or activity. – Electronic records may be acceptable for cost recovery if approved by EPA or Attorney General's office. – Submitting cost documentation, in response to requests from attorneys or EPA only after, expense related records are reconciled with the cost summary. – Retention of records stamped with the phrase – â€Å"SUPERFUND – DO NOT DESTROY† for at least 10 years following submission of the final Financial Status Report, (FSR), unless otherwise directed by EPA. Records are to be retained longer than 10 years if litigation, claim, cost recovery or other associated action takes place before the end of the 10-year period. – EPA must approve destruction of documents that were required to be saved. Establish Superfund and EPA grant financial management and recordkeeping procedures which: – enable the State to meet legal responsibilities and EPA audit requirements; – document expense related records in a legally acceptable manner; – facilitate accountability and cost recovery; and – provide timely access to site, operable unit and activity related expense information. 1. ERRP – (Environmental, Restoration and Redevelopment Program) ERRP conducts and oversees CERCLA response activities within the Waste Management Administration, (WAS). Its areas of responsibilities cover: – Pre-remedial, remedial, removal and operation & maintenance phases. – Response activities which include, but are not limited to, investigations, review and comment on reports, oversight and implementation of response actions, and enforcement actions, and CERCLA activities may be funded under EPA grants/ Cooperative Agreements (CAs). The terms of these grants are negotiated between EPA and the State. The State also uses its own funds in engaging in response activities. Trained staff conduct technical activities associated with investigation, assessment and cleanup, including related activities such as training, travel, and Program development and the like. These employees shall submit timesheets for further processing and record keeping. Time devoted to various response activities is distributed to a number of unique PCA codes within the timesheets, thereby permitting assignment of costs to appropriate sites, OUs and activities. In addition, the technical staff may initiate requisitions such as purchase and travel requests and other financial documents associated with response activities. PCA codes are also used to assign costs for these and other activities as well. Clerical and administrative staff may assist the technical staff in fiscal, timekeeping, purchase requisitions, travel vouchers and record keeping matters. This staff also serves as liaison with other divisions in processing time accountability documents and other requisitions. The Program Administrator of ERRP manages ERRP Program and technical activities and approves all ERRP requisitions. Originators of requisitions must justify the necessity of items requested before approval and must satisfy terms of the grants. Approval, or sign off, by the Program Administrator may be via electronic signature where the Advanced Purchasing Inventory Control System (ADPICS), or a similar system, is used with the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) to process the requisition. FMIS is the computerized statewide accounting system which tracks costs by site, OU and activity, and by grant level.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Buddhism

Dr. Klein describes the history of Buddhism, important figures in the movement and stories of the beginning of Buddhism. She discusses the nature of death in Buddhism, in several contexts. Death is an incentive because once one realizes one's human life will inevitably end, life becomes even more important. Motivation to make good use of one’s life exists because even though rebirth is guaranteed, the quality of that rebirth is not.The Buddhist focus on spiritual develpment will help one recognize the inevitability of death as well as face it without fear. The goal of a Buddhist to escape cyclic existence(enter heaven and avoid hell), is the first of element of religious practice in Indo-Tibetan tradition. The idea of rebirth leads to the next element which is compassion. With the idea of rebirth, comes a concern for others. The third essential religious practice is wisdom.In Buddhism, the process of dying consists of eight distinct visions that correspond with the consciousne ss leaving the specific parts of the body. Klein notes that a skilled mediator can simulate this experience at will giving them in control of the experience. This article is well organized and is based on a variety of different sources. It is very detailed and covers a wide scope of material related to Buddhism. Klein seems very informed on the topic but does not offer opinions or personal input.Buddhism fosters a view of personal responsibility instead of fatalism. This is a responsible concept for human beings to live by. Contemplating death to eliminate the fear is a concrete and real way to handle death. Also, not being overly dramatic when consoling the dying (as though not to cause feelings of regret) is a great idea. I think that is an interesting concept that can help the dying and the people consoling them deal with the experience in a more rational way.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Controversy in Television Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Controversy in Television Advertisement - Essay Example Cigarette manufacturers were one of the first industries to advertise widely on television ("Lighten Up & Light Up," 2006). Tobacco advertising is the promotion of tobacco use (typically cigarette smoking) by the tobacco industry through a variety of media ("Tobacco advertising," 2007). Usually, this is more attractive to the younger population because of their overexposure to tobacco commercials shown on television. Considered as "one of the most-highly-regulated forms of marketing," it is banned by many countries around the world. According to ASH (2006), tobacco advertising is increasing the consumption by encouraging children or young adults to experiment with tobacco and thereby slip into regular use, by encouraging smokers to increase consumption, by reducing smokers' motivation to quit, by encouraging former smokers to resume, by discouraging full and open discussion of the hazards of smoking as a result of media dependence on advertising revenues, by muting opposition to cont rols on tobacco as a result of the dependence of organizations receiving sponsorship from tobacco companies, and by creating through the ubiquity of advertising, sponsorship, etc. an environment in which tobacco use is seen as familiar and acceptable and the warnings about its health are undermined. These are the reasons why the tobacco industry never ceases to spend billions worldwide trying to promote their harmful products thereby risking the health of more and more tobacco users. There are many methods of tobacco advertising in order to attract cigarette patrons especially younger people. These include sports sponsorship, promotional items, brand stretching, samples, and entertainment which are all shown on television. In sports sponsorship, "the companies try to connect tobacco with health and athletic prowess to reach out to a large audience by sponsoring sports events and teams" (Vu, Long, Talapa, & Jong, n.d.). In promoting various items, "the companies put their logos on ha ts, t-shirts, and other popular items children use" (Vu, Long, Talapa, & Jong, n.d.). Through brand stretching, "the companies market other products with a shared brand name such as Marlboro Classics clothing" (Vu, Long, Talapa, & Jong, n.d.). By giving free samples of cigarette products in malls, concerts, and mass events, the companies relays a "hidden" message why they should support the product. Lastly, through entertainment or the sponsorship of popular events such as concerts, competitions, and movies, it attracts the youth by displaying the positive aspect of smoking. An additional marketing tactic for TV ads is by depicting cigarette users as relaxed, stress-free and having fun thereby discouraging the news media from reporting on the health effects of smoking. In the United Kingdom, "the tobacco advertising and sponsorship ban were implemented under the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002. The Act banned most forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, s pecifies a few practical examples (e.g. specialist tobacconists, intra-trade advertising), details offenses and defenses and establishes enforcement responsibilities" (ASH, 2006).  Ã‚  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Crimes such as employee theft of merchandise or customer or customer Term Paper

Crimes such as employee theft of merchandise or customer or customer theft (shoplifting) - Term Paper Example Theft of merchandize by employees accounts for approximately $50 billion losses on yearly basis, with small retail shops being the most affected (Hollinger, 2013). However, large business enterprises also suffer great losses but compared to small enterprises, they have a higher capacity to absorb the losses hence can stay longer in business to unearth such theft. Small retailers have no such capacity and hence, regular theft ends up ruining the business completely. It is estimated that more than 75% of employees in the US engage in this atrocity, in one form or the other, hence indicating that there is strong need to reevaluate strategies being used by businesses to curb this type of crime (Walsh, 2000). This paper is a critical evaluation on employee theft as a major dilemma in business. Employees are an important resource for a business, whether in production, marketing, supply or even in retail business. This is due to the fact that they provide services that cannot be performed by any other mechanism in exchange for remuneration among other financial and nonmonetary gains. As an employer, the most important goal is to maximize profits and in businesses that entail buying and selling, profits can only be obtained by ensuring that every item leaving the stores is fully paid for and if not, it has to be accounted for. However, statistics indicate that this is not usually the case. Numerous products are being stolen by employees, who are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining and managing businesses. 75% of employees in the US are stealing from their employers, not just once but repeatedly). No wonder cumulative losses can reach up to more than USD 50 billion on yearly basis (Walsh, 2000). With this trend, it is most likely that more and more businesses wil l continue to collapse and this can only be hurting, not only for business owners but also the global economy as a result of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dq7-Terence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Dq7-Terence - Essay Example Each of the concern will be supported by plausible exemplifications. The critical definition associated with knowledge in a firm allows for its consideration as an essential asset towards the realization of the aspired success. There exists a number of pros and cons to be associated in the delivery of decisions via information technology. The qualities are founded on the capacity of the firm that is tasked with the implementation of the discussed information technology packaging and presentations options. Among the pros include the efficiency in accessibility of the considered decision to the broad population under target. Information technology systems are rather presentable and places into utilization the virtual storage units, thus saving the office space (Imboden, Pfenninger & Stürchler, 2013). However, there exists a significant number of challenges associated with these systems in regard to the process of decision making. Safety concerns remain critical to the consideration of the effectiveness of the information technology as a platform for packaging and presenting decisions. Internationally, the concern of the security of the respective virtual systems installed in the hope of achieving the respective obligations has been mentioned as challenging. Additionally, the usage of information systems in decision making calls for additional lessons to the targeted population over usage (Kendall, 2013). Cyber security has been defined among the leading reasons that seek to explain on the concerns associated to the usage of information security. Hacking of critical information has been described to be an essential source of concern to the various institutions. Hacker outfits such as anonymous have capitalized on the possible loopholes in these systems to expose sensitive information. The progressive address of these challenges has lead to the eventual realization

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Unknown Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unknown - Thesis Example This interesting because in 1692, witchcraft was considered a crime in the United States and anybody who is tried for the crime will be denied legal counsel. US legal system was also flawed at that time and could even be considered worst than the most fatalistic government today. During that time, anybody can be convicted by just an accusation that a person was seen in a dream committing the crime (spectral evidence) where gossips and hearsays were used as evidence (Linder, 2009). An accused is also tried on the basis of either he or she is with God or against God (McGill, 1981) where evidences were based on religion instead of facts (Eugen, 1959). And yes, America hanged their convicts too especially when it involves witchcraft. This piece of America’s history is not that popular because it ran counter to cherished value that we now enjoy. Yet at some point, America was like her critic that would make this research an interesting excursion into America’s dark

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

EDLE 636 - Assignment 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EDLE 636 - Assignment 1 - Research Paper Example Human beings must be stewards of each other and safeguard the available resources so that future generations can enjoy it. Pastoral care is founded deep into their identity founded on a mutual relationship of profound respect. The Catholic identity utilises a variety of symbols, rituals and actions that are all used to express the various sacraments. In Australia, Catholics remain around one quarter of the population. There is a grounded belief that God is full of surprises and as such, people must strive to protect the catholic identity and learn from previous mistakes. Often, secularists have tried to remove religion from the public domain to private life in order to make it another area for consumer choice. Catholics do not believe in individual choices that reflect personal preferences unrelated to the truth as realized on their stand on the contraceptive pill and the post-war immigration. The contraceptive pill brought about a social revolution in the Western world. This was linked to the hope that abortion rates would fall drastically and children would only be conceived when it was convenient. This pill however simply liberated sexual activity from procreation making it a recreational right for adults. It has escalated divorce rates separating children from the ones they love. It is for these reasons that the Catholic identity has distanced itself from the use of contraceptives because of its belief that sexual activity should be a pure affair between a man and his wife. The Catholic identity believes in sacraments that are meant to allow a person realize in word and deed, the message of Gods Kingdom within itself. It proposes universality and inclusiveness in understanding Gods word. It takes Jesus as its exemplar and guide drawing inspiration from the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. That Catholic identity respects all life as being equally precious in the eyes of God and invites all to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Library System Essay Example for Free

Library System Essay This chapter deals with the review of Literatures and Studies. It also presents the synthesis of the review and its relevance to the present study. Related Literature AMA student Kariz Reinalyn B. Galano (et. al. Don Ricardo C. Lazaro, Rozmaigne Ann L. Sebastian, Kevin Patrick E. Viesca) (2012) cited in their approved thesis proposal at present ACLC has three hundred sixty five students enrolled. The institution is currently using a manual system in their Library and has weak security. Students can borrow books but need to return it within 5 school days. There is no proper monitoring on books being returned. There are no penalties imposed to the students as well. The only way the librarian will find out if there are still pending books not returned is during the end of semester at the inventory period. The librarian then will not sign the clearance of the students who failed to return the books. Another problem is the list of inventory of books. The students need to go and ask for the librarian’s assistance in order for them to search for the books. Karen Foss (2010), Library Director of the Catawba County Library System in Newton, North Carolina has expressed that it is difficult to find materials to help new public library managers cultivate their professional development. Most of the research and writings on library management have focused on academic libraries and only recently has there been more interest in the administration of public libraries. The skill and style of public library managers – the directors, branch managers, and department and service managers who are leading these institutions – strongly affects the culture of a public library. Library staff looks to these managers to help them navigate through the rapid changes that are occurring in public libraries as these changes in technology, roles, and user expectations strongly alter their daily routines of public service. Contemporary library managers need a wider array of skills and attributes than their earlier and more traditional counterparts and will need to seek continual professional development to remain effective as public libraries transition into the twenty-first century. These managers will also need to distinguish between management and leadership skills and learn to identify and mentor leaders within their staff who can assist in the transition. According to Alvin javelosa (2011) library is a collection of books, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. The term library has itself acquired a secondary meaning: a collection of useful material for common use, and in this sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. this study will help the library personnel or the librarian in monitoring the books accurately. Further, the use of cataloguing will be made easier through an advance system provided by this study. The librarian is encountering problems in doing transactions like borrowing books, checking the availability of books, returning and accessioning of books because all the transactions are being done manually. The process is time consuming. This proposed system will provide their library a computerized system making it more organized and easy to access. The advantage of this study is to make their current system more effective and efficient. This computerized library system is a transaction processing system (TPS) that will provide a convenient cataloguing, inventory, monitoring, accessioning, borrowing, returning, security and retrieving of records. html) According to Mohd Fairuz Anwar Bin Mahadi (2005), The Library management system will store all the books and members information that consist book number, book title, author name and racks to the system database. The system also provides search function to help students find the book by number of book. Search functions will search through the books database to look for the book and view where the book is situated. For the administrator user, only librarians have access to view or edit data from the system databases. Administrator user will handle administrative functions such create new LMS user account and decide the number of days allowed for the borrowed books. User needs to enter correct password and user id before user can access this function. From here, user can add, delete or update the book and borrower database. (http://library. utem. edu. my/index2. php? option=com_docmantask=doc_viewgid=3761Itemid=208) According to Donna M. Salinas (2010) Library is the best place in the school where the students review and study. It is the place where students study so our group aims to improve the manual operation of the library system. We thought of something that makes the time of students and library personnel decreases for searching and borrowing of books. (http://www. scribd. com/doc/56632694/library-system) Related Studies: According to Shelagh (2001) Fisher library management system is becoming marginalized in the context of ICT developments currently taking place within the library sector because suppliers have failed to keep up with such developments, or have been more concerned with keeping up with the changes in the core functions. The aim of this research, therefore, was to determine the feasibility of developing and disseminating a model system specification which could be used to assist and guide libraries in the procurement of library management systems. The premise was that if a core set of requirements for library management systems, as articulated by purchasing libraries, could be identified, it followed that it would be feasible to develop a model specification or ‘toolkit’ on which procuring libraries could draw. Identification of a potential core set of requirements could be identified primarily by undertaking analyses of  specifications produced by libraries for the tendering process in acquiring a library management system. Thus forty-one specifications were collected from libraries which had recently acquired a library management system, and these were subjected to various levels of analysis. The results are reported in Section 4. Secondly, it was decided that as library system suppliers were in receipt of large numbers of specifications produced by procuring library authorities they were in a strong position to comment on the feasibility, and desirability, of developing a model specification. Thus, a survey of UK system suppliers was undertaken to determine the collective view of suppliers on the role, content, quality and usefulness of the specification as a procurement tool. The results of the survey are reported in Section 5. A detailed account of the methods used in this Study is provided in Section 3. The next section (Section 2) provides a review of the literature on the role and content of specifications, and identifies weaknesses in approaches to producing specifications for the purchase of library systems. (et. al. Rachel Delbridge, Sian Lambert) (http://www. cerlim. ac. uk/projects/harmonise/harmonise. pdf) According to Veronica Adamson (2008) Changes in society and technology are impacting significantly on UK HE libraries and consequently on their management systems. Demographic changes, political and economic drivers are affecting university services and funding structures, and a ‘new realism’ of pragmatic economic and business considerations presides. (JISC SCONUL LMS Study Report, March 2008) Library management systems have developed in response to technical advances and user requirements, mainly in developing electronic interfaces, refining standards and access protocols, purchasing and acquisition processes and cataloguing systems. Increasing globalization of goods, services and communities means that technical platforms are now developed on an international basis and implemented for a worldwide network of users and contributors. A new market for library services and information provision has emerged, with Google and Amazon as a de facto paradigm and metaphor for discovery and delivery. Perceptions of the role and function of the university library are changing, developing and often conflicting, particularly in relation to the provision for collection and circulation, resource discovery, ownership and control, personalization  and seamless access to resources. Enhancing usability and accessibility for an increasingly diverse user community is of increasing importance for libraries. Today’s library users expect speed and immediacy of information discovery, one-stop access to aggregated services, user-generated open content, and personalized, workflow-related delivery to the desktop. (et. al. Paul Bacsich, Ken Chad, David Kay, Jane Plenderleith) (http://www. jisc. ac. uk/media/documents/programmes/resourcediscovery/lmsstudy. pdf) According to Herrera C Rocio (1987) the work habits of users in any activity requiring information, the importance they attach to obtaining it and the facilities at their disposal, their knowledge of these facilities, their assessment of their value and the possibility of their obtaining what they are looking for are the factors that affect user behaviour in the quest for information. The behaviour of the users of university libraries specifically is affected, in addition to the above factors, by others directly related to the university environment, such as teaching methods and the type of education provided. The countrys education system is a teaching-learning process largly consisting in an essentially repetitive pattern in which the student consumes and reproduces the concepts transmitted by the teacher. This model is mainly based on the university lecture system, in which the teacher simply gives a course of study and provides the pupil with a brief bibliography consisting basically of texts. The result has been that education has not become a critical and creative process and library resources have accordingly been under-utilized. As regards the response to the information services provided by university libraries, it can be said that research workers do not use the services properly since the role of the library as an agent for the transfer of information has been disregarded in the research process, this type of user tending to acquire information through informal channels of communication, such as personal contacts with other colleagues. In its turn, the library has neglected its task as a constituent part of the research enterprise, forgetting that one of the priorities of the university, in addition to its teaching role, is that of research, which is the source of much knowledge of benefit not only to the university but also to the community in general. The university library should pay special attention to ascertaining not only the specific information needs of each type of user but also user behaviour patterns in the information retrieval process, in order that these needs may be met and the factors responsible for the non-use of the library restricted to a minimum. This will be achieved through an appropriate methodology for conducting user studies, which will then provide guidelines for the organization of user training or instruction courses aimed at the various groups. These courses will influence the future response of users to information services. Since user behaviour in the information retrieval process determines the level of library-user interaction, continual monitoring by the librarian of changes in that behaviour is necessary. These changes are dependent not only on information needs but also on the possible impact of the introduction of new services. This shows that, over and above the matter of training in the use of library resources, user behaviour presents a number of special features, largely reflecting the fact that the information needs of those concerned are not well defined and that their request for information are consequently vague and very general. It follows that library staff should bear in mind their active role in promoting and publicizing their services and resources since, despite the continual emphasis placed on the role of information in development, it has been shown that users tend to dispense with non-essential information, the usual practice being to rely on memory, to evade the problem or to solve it with vague or incomplete information. However, it should not be overlooked that there is another group of users who consult libraries actively and effectively in order to satisfy their information needs; although accessibility influences the use that they make of resources, the most important thing for this group is their confidence and faith in the information system. (c Loreto M. Libia and Rua R. Ivan) (http://www. unesco. org/webworld/ramp/html/r8722e/r8722e0l. htm) According Neelakdan,B (2010) a sincere attempt has been made towards finding out ways and means for automating activities in the School of Chemistry Library. The objective of this study is to use the Koha Open Source software system for the automation of the major day ­ to ­day activities of the various section of the School of Chemistry Library, which is tiresome and cumbersome. After the investigation, the researcher has found that Koha Software is more suitable for the library Automation. This project had the basic objective of designing a bibliographic database for the School of Chemistry library, with which the automation of circulation routines is carried out. From this point of view it may be concluded that Koha is a useful package for the creation of a database and for information retrieval. This set of Manuals for the automation of circulation section is tested with the database created from the collection of chemistry department library. A sample database for a few thousand works and a database of the users/borrowers are created. With that test sample the Manuals for each function of the circulation section is tested with the available computer system. Koha is an integrated software system with all the required models for small to very large libraries. It is found that this automation projects will serve as a model for any library. (http://www. ipublishing. co. in/jarvol1no12010/EIJAER1014. pdf) According to Dio P. Doble (2011) A college strengthens its educational level through the advancement of its library. The Botolan Community College Computerized Library System aimed to enhance the procedures of the library, from manually operated to a computerized system. This proposal’s purpose was to ease the transactions in the library, i,e. , leading of books, storing of books, search engine for books, manage members of the library and secure the library system. The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing the books. They use library cards and card catalogues in searching for reading and reference materials. (http://www. scribd. com/doc/99431218/Computerized-Library-System)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Centuries and Primary Crop Uzbekistan Essay Example for Free

Centuries and Primary Crop Uzbekistan Essay Population:With 26,851,195 (in 2005) people, Uzbekistan has the largest population of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia, and the third-largest population of any former Soviet republic. Population density is 60 people per sq km. The population was 37 per cent urban in 2003 and life expectancy was 61 years for men and 68 years for women. The countrys population growth rate was about 1.7 per cent per year in 2005. Health Problems:In 1999 there were 354 people to each doctor, and in 2005 the infant mortality rate was 71 deaths per 1,000 live births. Expenditure on health in 2002 was 3 per cent of GDP. Economy:The GDP per capita of Uzbekistan is a low $2000 US, with 33% of the population that lives below the poverty line. This even though it exports $5 billion f.o.b. Tertiary, Primary, secondary industries:Agriculture contributed about 35 per cent of GDP and accounts for 34 per cent of total employment. Cotton is the primary crop†¦ Uzbekistan is a leading producer of seed cotton. The republic is also the largest producer of silk and karakul pelts in the former USSR. Other important crops include wheat, rice, barley, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Since most of Uzbekistans agriculture is devoted to cotton-growing, however, the republic has become very dependent on outside sources of food. It must import about two thirds of the grain, one third of the meat, one quarter of the milk, and half of the potatoes consumed in the republic. Legislation was passed in 1992 to permit private enterprise in agriculture and by 1996 more than 90 per cent of state farms had been transferred to the private sector, which accounted for more than 98 per cent of agricultural production in the same year. Civil Unrest:Uzbekistans rate of violent crime, including against foreigners, has increased in recent years. In urban areas, travelers are urged to take the same precautions against crime that they would take in a large American city. In Uzbekistan, many riots arise due to mainly political issues, sometimes causing a massive civil war. One major example of this is the Andijan massacre. When Uzbek Interior Ministry and National Security Service troops fired into a crowd of protesters in Andijan, Uzbekistan on 13 May 2005. Estimates of those killed range from between 187 (the official count of the government) and 5,000 people, with most outside reports estimating several hundred dead. The exact number of victims is still uncertain. The bodies of many of those who died were hidden in mass graves after the massacre. Colonial History:Although Uzbeks have lived in the area of present-day Uzbekistan for centuries, a national Uzbek political entity was formed for the first time in the 1920s. The region of present-day Uzbekistan was the site of the ancient Persian province of Sogdiana and was conquered by the Macedonian leader Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC and by the Arabs in the 8th century AD. It was incorporated in the Mongol empire of Genghis Khan in the 13th century and the Mongol empire of Tamerlane in the 14th century. The Uzbek khanates of Bukhara (also spelled Bukhoro) and Khiva emerged in the 16th century, and the Kokand khanate was formed in the 18th century. Russian control was extended over the region between 1865 and 1873, with Khiva and Bukhara remaining vassal states of Russia. Natural Resources:Uzbekistan is rich in mineral resources that include natural gas, petroleum, coal, gold, silver, uranium, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and tungsten. Irrigation systems fed by the two major river systems sustain agricultural production around the fertile river valleys. Electrical production is principally by thermal plants but there are some hydroelectric sources. Political Stability:Chief of state: President Islom KARIMOV (since 24 March 1990, when he was elected president by the then Supreme Soviet)Head of government: Prime Minister Shavkat MIRZIYAYEV (since 11 December 2003)Cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers appointed by the president with approval of the Supreme AssemblyElections: president elected by popular vote for a seven-year term. The election results: Islom KARIMOV reelected, % of vote = Islom KARIMOV 91.9%, and Abdulkhafiz JALALOV 4.2%-Last election was last held on the 9th January 2000 (next to be held in 2007). -Prime minister, ministers, and deputy ministers are appointed by the president. Bibliography:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Defining The Processes Of Emergent Strategy Development Commerce Essay

Defining The Processes Of Emergent Strategy Development Commerce Essay Emergent strategy comes about through everyday routines, activities and processes in organizations (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 408). It occurs by chance or happens within the organization without any long term planning. There are four organizational processes of emergent strategy development: Logical Incrementalism Resource allocation routines Cultural processes Organizational politics Logical Incrementalism The development of strategy by experimentation and learning from partial commitments rather than through global formulations of total strategies (Quinn and Voyer, 2003. Pp 408) Key features of logical incremental approach are Managers have a general view rather than specific view of future direction Develop strong, flexible core business and experiment with side bet ventures Top managers utilize mix of formal/informal social and political to pull together emerging pattern of strategies. Resource allocation routines strategies emerge through formalized routines and systems of the organization (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 411). Key features of resource allocation routines approach are Day to day decision making about resource allocation across businesses Decisions may be made at a lower level than conventionally thought to be strategic Managers proposals competing for funds Collective effects of such decisions guide the strategy. Cultural Processes Incremental strategy development can be explained as the outcome of the influence of organization culture (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 416). Key features are Self-reinforcing model Over time may result in strategic drift The model and the way we do things around here mean that managers try to minimize haziness/ambiguity by defining situation as something familiar. Organizational politics Political view of strategy development is that strategies develop as the outcome of processes of bargaining and negotiation among powerful internal or external interest groups or stakeholders (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 414). Negative influence Powerful individuals may influence identification of key issues and strategies selected Obstructs analysis and rational thinking Results in emergent or incremental patterns of strategic development Emphasis or de-emphasis of data can be source of power Positive influence Champions will support new ideas. Political conflict and tensions may produce new ideas Emergent Strategy The case of Honda: In 1959, Honda Motor Corporation decided to enter the United States motorcycle market. They established the US operations in Los Angeles. The main aim of the Honda was to focus on selling 250cc and 350cc rather than the 50-cc Honda Cubs, which were a big hit in Japan. They think that the Honda 50cc Cubs were not suitable for the US market because in US everything was bigger and more luxurious. The sales of 250cc and 350cc bikes were slow because the bikes themselves were overwhelmed by mechanical problems and the Honda strategy was going to fail (Hill and Jones, 2009, Pp 25). The Honda officials were decided to sell the 50cc bikes to a broad market of Americans. Honda had also found an experimental channel of distribution, general retailers rather than specific motorbike stores. By 1964, nearly one out of two motorcycles sold in the US was a Honda (Hill and Jones, 2009, Pp 25). In this case, the companys carefully planned intended strategy but it was a failure. What ultimately worked was the emergent strategy. Using the website of a large organisation find its organisational chart. Explain why the organisation is structured in the way illustrated? Organizational structure clearly defines reporting relationships, decision-making authority and the physical location of employees from various departments. Organizational Structure Xerox: Source: (Xerox, 2011) Xerox Corporation is a technology and service company. Xerox Corporation is using the worldwide geographic area structure to support its multidomestic strategy. Geographical organizational structure group representatives from each functional department into units formed to serve a specific market or region. A divisional structure by geographic area is appropriate for this firm because the strategies need to be tailored to fit the particular needs and characteristics of customers in different geographic areas. David (2009) says that a divisional structure by geographic area allows local participation in decision making and improved coordination within a region. Xerox Corporation emphasizes product innovation to best serve customers needs and process innovations to simultaneously improve quality and reduce its production costs. Xerox is using multidomestic strategy to serve customers in its three primary markets like production, networked offices from small to large and value added services. The main reason for using this strategy is so the firm can apply its service capabilities to solve unique problems of customers in different geographic locations. Global Services, North America, Europe and Developing Markets Operations are the four business groups that make up Xeroxs organizational structure. Xerox relies on the match between its international strategy and structure of the organization as a key driver of profitable growth (Hitt, et. al., 2009, Pp 325). The main potential advantages for Xerox of having Geographical structure are: Customers can feel more at ease when speaking with local representatives who fully understand their language Customer support representatives will also have greater access to representatives from other functions Tracking the performance of individual markets and work groups is simplified under this structure Explain the four tenets of organizational learning? The learning organization is capable of continual regeneration from the variety of knowledge, experience and skills of individuals within a culture which encourages mutual questioning and challenge around a shared purpose or vision (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 421). Tenets of Organizational Learning: Managers facilitate rather than direct Managers need the skills to facilitate and direct at the same time. Managers should be able to take correct decisions after consulting his team and getting useful ideas and feedback from the employees. This process would not only help the manager to identify problems and opportunities but would also help employees to be motivated and led towards the organizational goals. Leadership in a learning organization means involving employees in decision making. Information flows and relationships are lateral as well as vertical Instead of processing information through the existing hierarchical channels; the organization can establish vertical information systems. In this case, the information flow for a specific task (or set of tasks) is routed in accordance to the applied business logic, rather than the hierarchical organization. Following the lateral relations concept, it also becomes possible to employ an organizational form that is different from the simple hierarchical information. Lateral decision processes are established that cut across functional organizational units. The aim is to apply a system of decision subsidiary, i.e. to move decision power to the process, instead of moving information from the process into the hierarchy for decision-making. Organizations are pluralistic Every organization should entertain fresh and contradictory ideas to emerge which would then become the basis of debate and finally give rise to new strategies. Experimentation is the norm An important if not essential part of a learning organization is its ability to create new knowledge and to use it to capitalize on new opportunities open to the organization. This requires questioning the current status quo and how things are done, which allows employees to bring new ideas into the organization. Managers should also be willing to encourage individuals and teams to continuously improve the existing processes and try to evolve new strategies. Does structure follow strategy or does strategy follow structure? There are two views on the relationship between Structure and Strategy. Structure follow Strategy Strategy follow Structure The first observation put forward by Alfred Chandler (1962), was based on a study of the development of large corporations in the United States. The focus of the study was on the historical development of the businesses and the different types of organizational structure appropriate at each of the key stages of development. Chandler and Cain (1979) says that in all sides of an organizations structure, form the creation of departments and divisions to the designation of reporting relationships, and which should be made while keeping the company strategic intent in mind. He observed that the transition from one form of structure to another usually did not take place as soon as the key strategic issue changed. He suggested that although the entrepreneurs were typically very astute at strategy development and implementation, they tended to know very little about organization structure. From the research he concluded that Structure follows Strategy. The second view, Strategy follows structure is based on the idea that managers already working within a particular organizational structure will take the structure for granted and only consider strategies that will fit with the existing structure. The reason for managerial reluctance to change structure is associated with the time consuming effort involved in such a process and the fact that some managers will have vested interests in maintaining the structure as it is. According to Lynch (2006), strategy and structure are interlinked. It may not be optimal for an organization to develop its structure after it has developed its strategy. Strategy and the structure associated with it may need to develop at the same time in an experimental way: as the strategy develops, so does the structure. The organizations learn to adapt to its changing environment and to its changing resources, especially if such change is radical. If the strategy process is emergent, then the learning and experimentation involved may need a more open and less formal organization structure. Finally, an organization must achieve a fit, or congruence, between strategy and structure. Since different strategies and environments place different demands on an organization, they call for different structural responses. Give an example of an organisation where resource allocation processes (RAP) form part of strategy development? The Resource Allocation Process explanation of strategy development is that realized strategies emerge as a result of the way resources are allocated in organizations (Johnson, et. al. 2008, Pp 411). Bower and Gilbert argues that strategy is not like a software program that you install and it suddenly all works, it is a fluid process that is shaped by a range of internal and external forces (Bower and Gilbert, 2005). It is claimed that resource allocation must be viewed as something that gets in the way of implementing ideas but understood as a force that can lead a company in new and unforeseen directions. The role of resource allocation in strategy making: The case of Intel The Intel case shows clearly how resource allocation has a direct impact upon the effective strategy of a company. Intel started doing semiconductor memories; more specifically they had a dominant position in the production of DRAMs (Dynamic Random Access Memory). In 1971 an Intel engineer invented the microprocessor during a funded development project for a Japanese calculator company. Top managers must know the personal track record of the individuals who are making proposals for resource allocation, recognize the strategic issues in danger; reach down to operational managers to work across the division lines (Bower and Gilbert, 2007). Intels sales of microprocessors grew gradually in a host of small, emerging applications. In 1980s the Japanese DRAM makers intensifies their attack on the US market causing pricing levels to drop (Johnson, et. al. 2005, Pp 430). But, microprocessors consistently had the most attractive gross margins in Intels product portfolio, and the resource allocation process therefore systematically diverted manufacturing capacity away from DRAMs and into microprocessors. From this process, we can recognize the allocation of resources was guiding the company not the deliberate strategy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dylan Thomas Essay -- essays research papers

Dylan Thomas was born in October 1914 in Uplands, Swansea, where he grew up. His father, David John Thomas, had taken his degree at University College Aberystwyth and obtained a First in English, which he taught at Swansea Grammar School. His pupils found him quick tempered and intimidating, but he had a beautiful, sonorous voice for reading aloud, which his son inherited. Thomas' mother, Florence Hannah Williams, had been a seamstress before her marriage. Welsh was her first tongue, but her husband - although he did speak Welsh - preferred English. He was cynical about religion, whilst she was traditional in her piety. The name "Dylan" comes from a character in the Welsh Medieval Romance The Mabinogian. In Welsh it would be pronounced "Dullun", which Mrs Thomas was unhappy about, preferring the English pronunciation "Dillan". Thomas' childhood summers were spent at the Carmarthenshire dairy farm of his mother's sister, Ann Jones, and her husband, Jim. These holidays inspired the poem Fern Hill. Before the age of 11, he was writing poetry. He was also telling lies and pinching money from his mother's purse. In her eyes he could do no wrong, which was particularly irritating for his sister, Nancy. Thomas attended Swansea Grammar School from 1925-1931. When he started at the school he was small and pretty, so the bigger boys bullied him until they discovered he was aggressive and pugnacious and knew a prodigious number of swear-words. ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Super Leadership :: Business, Creative Culture

Idea Generation and Creative Potential The global competitive forces are compelling organizations to develop highly innovative and creative environment, where idea generation is encouraged and serves as a live blood for organizational survival by creating a strong creative culture. Because of this pressure on organization to be more creative, they are turning towards idea generation and developing creative potential of employees. Idea generation is one of the coherent phases of the creative process (Kanter, 1988); (West & Farr, 1989). Similarly, it is argued that the creativity is nothing else but the generation of novel and useful ideas (Amabile T. , 1988). Likewise, it is commented that various scientists characterize creativity as a source of generating novel or useful ideas by individuals or teams members. This manifests that idea generation and creativity are two sides of a same coin (Greenberg & Baron, 2003). Moreover, creativity is a vital characteristic related to life that we act upon in daily routine. It covers a problem at workplace that become pleasure or an imagination that becomes a reality in a hi-tech world (Bonnardel, 1999). Creativity and productivity are highly correlated due to which firms strongly believe in the effects creativity has on better performance and due to this conviction, they spends a lot of money on creativity in firms (Dennard, 2000). However, in order to foster the idea generation and creative potential of employee in the organization are compelled to identify the underlying elements. For creating such environment, various factors have been identified & explored by the scholars (West M. A., Sparkling fountains or stagant ponds: An integrative model of creativity and innovation implementation in work groups, 2002a); (West M. A., Ideas are ten a penny: its team implementation not idea generation that count, 2002b); (Mumford, 2003); (Gilson & Shalley, 2004); (Amabile, Barsade, Mueller, & Staw, 2005); (Shin & Zhou, 2003), and (Cheng, 1994). More recently, in a study, it is substantiated the importance of interpersonal character of idea generation as highlighted in recent literature on creativity. Furthermore, it is argued that the creation of ideas instigates the interaction between the individual and its social environment (Zhou, 2008). For idea generation, the broader (organizational) context needs to stimulate interpersonal contacts as much as possible. An open, helpful, somewhat informal culture, in which people can easily call on others, facilitates formal and informal social connections and idea generation. Creative Culture Everybody has a role to play as citizens and consumers, culture and creativity, at the same time, help deliver new, more sustainable ways of living and working.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Classifying Humans into Absolute Categories Essay

There are three basic ways in which people have tried to classify people to real biological differences, instead of cultural differences, in the past. The first is the ‘typological model’. This model classifies people into geographical groups, on selected common characters. The second model is the ‘populational model, which classifies people on the basis of exclusive mating with each other, over a long period of time. The last model is the ‘clinical model’. This model looks at the inherited characteristics of a group, which change over time and is different from the changes in other geographic areas; the distribution of these characteristics (Ellison & Goodman). All three models fail to do the job. The typological model is erroneous because of the fact that some racial characteristics are found in different groups. The populational model fails because of the fact that people do not limit their breeding to small areas. The clinical model is undermined by the fact that some human groups migrate and the therefore discontinuity of the typical characteristic, and by the fact that there are not so many small communities left on the world anymore. Scientists now agree on this, they understand that classifying humans, based on any specific model, would be arbitrary. Scientists now just use the classifications as a tool to organize the data. The number of racial groups that are ‘discovered’ depend on the number of characteristics researched. Therefore, all research methods are relative, and the classifications change when the sets of characteristics (or the research topic) change. Biological anthropology describes the nature of human variations through focusing on the biological aspects. This researches the human as biological organism, the behaviour of primates and the human evolution. The most important research is done through research of the genetic patterns and the connections between different populations over the whole world. Anthropologists can also compare historic gene material with modern ones. All these techniques might contribute to a definitive evidence of our origin and the way people populated the earth. References Ellison,G. & A. H. Goodman. The Nature of Differences. Science, Society and Human Biology. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2006.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Factors that affect enzyme activity

Since the active site for all molecules of one enzyme will be made up of the same arrangement of amino acids, It has a highly specific shape. Generally, there is only one active site on each enzyme molecule and only one type of substrate molecule will fit into it. This specificity leads to the lock and key hypothesis, Source 1: http:/twwa. s-cool. co. uk/a-level/blology/ biological-molecules-and-enzymes/revise-it/enzymes Source 2: http://cllck4blology. lnfo/c4b?/chem3. 6. htm#one a) Large globular protein enzyme b) Active Site where the substrate combines to the enzyme ) Substrate which fits the active site d) Activated complex.The substrate is weakened to allow the reaction. e) Unchanged enzyme/ re-used at low concentration f) Product of the reaction In my investigation, I will be using the enzyme catalase, which is found in most living organisms. It catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide Into water and oxygen. 2H202 + catalase > 2820 + 02 Catalase dramatically reduces the activation energy needed for the reaction. Without catalase the decomposition would take much longer, and would not be fast enough to sustain human life.Hydrogen peroxide is also a dangerous, very potent by-product of metabolism, so it is essential that it is broken down quickly, otherwise it would cause damage to cells. The activity of an enzyme is affected by its environmental conditions. Changing these will alter the rate of reaction caused by the enzyme. In nature, organisms adjust the conditions of their enzymes to produce an optimum rate of reaction, where necessary, or they may have enzymes which are adapted to function well In extreme conditions where they live.Enzyme Concentration: at low enzyme concentration there is great competition for he active sites and the rate of reaction is low. As the enzyme concentration increases, there are more active sites and the reaction can proceed at a faster rate, for more enzymes will be colliding with substrate molecules. Eventually, i ncreasing tne enzyme concentratlon Deyona a certain polnt nas no erect Decause tne suDstrate concentration becomes the limiting factor.Inquiring upon this factor, it is obvious to anticipate increasing enzyme concentration will also increase rate of reaction based upon contextual knowledge and after casting a certain amount of enzyme oncentration, it will no longer be the limiting factor. If I experiment on this factor, I would perceive my data to resemble the graph below, as it exemplifies how increasing enzyme concentration increases rate of reaction(shown through line climbing) until it becomes the limiting factor and the rate of reaction does not increase(shown through line not climbing).Source 3 :http://alevelnotes. com/Factors- affecting-Enzyme-Activity/146 Substrate Concentration: similar to the enzyme concentration, at low concentrations of substrate there is a low rate of reaction. This is because there are few substrate molecules to react with active sites and therefore li miting the number of reactions happening. Henceforth, increasing the substrate concentration will increase the rate of reaction. This is because more substrate molecules will be colliding with enzyme molecules, so more product will be formed.However, after a certain concentration, any increase will have no effect on the rate of reaction, since Substrate Concentration will no longer be the limiting factor. The enzymes will effectively become saturated, and will be working at their maximum possible rate. If I was to investigate this factor, I would predict the rate of reaction will increase as substrate concentration increases, until a certain concentration is added when the substrate molecules are in excess resulting in enzyme saturation.The graph (below) demonstrates my prediction. Source 3 :http://alevelnotes. com/Factors-affecting-Enzyme-Activity/146 enzyme and substrate Simple image portraying proposed image for concentration (discussed in according factors). Mentioned as â€Å" picture of proposed investigation below' Temperature: All enzymes ave optimal temperatures, the temperature at which an enzyme produces the highest reaction rate for a specific reaction. The majority of enzymes in the human body works best at 37 Celsius degrees.This is because 37 degrees Celsius is the bodys internal temperature and enzymes such as catalase, have been adapted to work best at that certain temperature. Below the optimum temperature, substrates have little kinetic energy and fewer enter the active site to be catalyzed. However, as temperature increases towards the optimum, the substrates and enzymes gain more inetic energy and collide more often leading to a chemical reaction. When the temperature goes above the optimum, the bonds holding enzymes together also gain kinetic energy, increasing the speed at which they vibrate.This leads to the bonds breaking within the enzyme, making it change shape. This change in shape means that the active site is less complementary to the shape of the substrate, so that it is less likely to catalyse the reaction. Eventually, the enzyme will Decome denatured ana will no longer Tunctlon. I nen as temperature Increases more nzymes' molecules' active sites will become less complementary for the substrate molecules and then more enzymes will be denatured.This will decrease the rate of reaction. If I examined this factor, I would predict that the rate of reaction will peak at 37 degrees Celsius, as that is the optimum temperature of catalase. Also, as stated in the latter paragraph, increasing or decreasing the temperature from its optimum will lower the rate of reaction. Therefore, I should expect the data I collected to be similar of the graph below. Source 4: http://www. rsc. rg/Education/Teachers/Resources/cfb/ enzymes. tm PH: pH measures the acidity and basicity ofa solution. It is a measure of the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration, and therefore a good indicator of the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration. It ranges from PHI to pH14. Lower pH values mean higher H + concentrations and lower OH- concentrations. Unlike the same optimal temperature for all enzymes that dwell in the human body (370c); the optimum pH varies for the enzymes. For example, the enzyme pepsin has an optimum pH of 2. 0 whereas catalase has an optimum of 7. 6.Enzymes in different locations have different Optimum pH values since their environmental conditions may be different. In this instance, pepsin operates most competently at pH 2 because it is commonly found in the stomach, where pH is low due to the presence of hydrochloric acid. Enzymes work in small ranges of pH values, so any change above or below the optimum will cause a sudden decrease in rate of reaction, since more of the enzyme molecules will have active sites whose shapes are not (or at least are less) complementary to the shape of their substrate.Small changes below or above the optimum, does not cause a permanent change to the enzymes since the bonds can be reformed. However, extreme changes in pH can cause enzymes to denature and permanently loose their function. When the pH is changed from the optimal of the certain enzyme, the H+ and OH- interfere with hydrogen and ionic bonds that hold together an enzyme, since they will be attracted or repelled by the charges created by the bonds. This interference causes a change in the shape of the enzyme and most importantly, the active site.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Literature Reflection Paper

James Kain wrote the essay â€Å"Why Literature† and from reading that, I got the various opinions about Literature from a Literature professor’s point of view. I really liked the quote â€Å"Students always ask why they have to read this stuff. I understand their position; they have been brought up in a culture that values eternal youth in a material world† (Kain). Throughout my years in school, I have never heard any teacher or professor that understands our pains and suffering of reading, analyzing and learning Literature. Literature class is not my best choice of a class but Prof. Kain made Literature fun and exciting for me.I am so happy that I got the chance to take his Literature class because he really made it fun for us. In the way that I see it, movies, stories and poems are all the same. One is on the screen and the other two are on paper. And they both have the same motive to express feelings, stories and problems. Throughout the essay by Mr. Kain, he wrote many things that really stood out to me. â€Å"The stuff of poetry, story and drama, written by a master of the language, helps us explore our own lives and destinies† (Kain). This quote really made me think about all of the wonderful works of words that we have read in this class.What this quote means is that certain stories, poems and types of drama makes me think of our own lives and what our dreams are. Another quote that really stood out to me is â€Å"The works of poets and storytellers differ from other writings because they expose questions, emotions, doubts and fears; they illuminate the writer’s inner life, and they vitalize our language – that is, they give life and meaning to words we normally take for granted† (Kain). When I read this, it reminded me of the poem that we read by Theodore Roethke My Papa’s Waltz. In that poem, the ordinary words that we would be using in our daily lives really came to life.That poem had a lot of i nner emotions from the poet’s personal life since it was about his father who he wished had a better relationship with. The third and final quote from this that I really liked was: â€Å"Writers of literature help us do this. They give us the story of their own struggle with this noisy, marvelous, frustrating God-blessed troublesome world. They show us views of life that we could never experience by ourselves† (Kain). Poets and authors give us another look on life with their works. We may have our own issues and problems but no everyone has the same problems as us.The problems that the poets and authors give us can be so much worse than what we are facing. Always remember that everyone has their own issues and problems and they are not the same as you. In my earlier paragraphs, I mentioned the poem by Theodore Roethke My Papa’s Waltz. I really liked this poem a lot because it was the type of poem that really stood out to you and you would never forget it. By rea ding the title alone, you would think that the poem would be a nice happy one but after the first stanza, that all changes. The words in that poem were not used in the ordinary way that we would use them in our daily lives.The one line from the poem: You beat time on my head with a palm caked hard by dirt, Then waltzed me off to bed still clinging to your shirt makes you think of the use of words that are in this stanza and what they mean in the context of the sentence. The short stories section of this class was not my best. I like to read stories but analyzing is not something that I can do at the top of my head. I really have to think about the story, plot and characters really deeply in order to finally come up with a conclusion on the analysis of the whole story. The one story that really got to me is The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe.This was the type of story that was so unreal and very disturbing. After reading the part about when the cat was making the noise inside the wall even though his owner killed him; it really sent chills down my spine. This is the type of story you can easily tell to people on Halloween and they would really spooked out. This type of story really let the emotions out to the reader. That is what I like about when I read certain stories and poems; I want the author or poet to expose emotions in the words so I can feel the same way as the author or poet feels.I am pretty sure that for everyone in the class, the movie The Dead Poet’s Society was by far the best thing that we have done in this class. The movie did a good job in expressing the types of freedom, wishes and desires for each of the characters. The tragic ending for one of the main characters Neal Perry was definitely an eye opening for everyone. I am sure that no one really expected that to happen. Neal had a lot of pressure from his father; going to a good school, getting the highest grades than anyone else and getting into Yale or Harvard. Neal wanted to be a f ree bird but it was his Dad that was holding him back.His main passion was acting and he still went on with it even though he knew of the consequences that would follow. This type of emotion made me think of me because I know I have a lot of pressure from my parents especially since I am a Nursing major and after getting my degree here at Neumann University, they want me to get my Masters and become a Nurse Practitioner. I feel like all students in high school and college get a lot of pressure from their parents and the main reason for that is that their parents love them and want what is best for them.This was the type of drama that really expressed emotions of every one of the characters and that is whole main idea of Literature. In conclusion, I really liked this Literature class and I am really happy that I got the chance to take it with Prof. James Kain. He really knows what Literature is and he really makes it fun for us students. Literature is not that bad; you can like many stories and poems if you like movies because basically movies are like the same as stories and poems. The only difference is that movies are on the screen, stories and poems are on paper.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Case Study Analysis Paper Essay

In this case study I am going to analyze what went wrong in a particular situation for one company. The new hire Carl Robins, seems as if he went in over his head maybe due to the fact that he is the newest recruiter. It looks like he may have tried to prove himself to his peers. It also seems as if Carl himself was not properly trained as to knowing, understanding and taking the proper steps when it comes to recruiting new hires. It seems as if the company does not take recruiting very seriously or else I think that the company might enforce policies and rules when it comes to recruitment. See more: how to write an analysis paper on an article examples Things such as applications should have been properly filled out before and orientation was ever scheduled, applications are a basic requirement when it comes to applying for any job. Through basic communication the training manuals should be checked, changed, and updated frequently according to how often the company is recruiting new hires and last but not the least if the company had properly communicated that the conference room was blocked for maintenance Carl would have and should have known in advance through proper communication from upper management giving him the chance to properly schedule any training sessions. If Carl had been properly trained on these issues he may not have panicked in this situation asking himself â€Å"what am I going to do†. Although it appears to be a lack of training in this case, Carl still had maybe 15 day in advance to at least start checking on things after he got the call from Monica he could have started on the project right then. Instead he procrastinated because he thought he had it under control, again going back to what I think was a lack of training on the company’s behalf. If properly trained he might have had a backup plan and immediately knew what to do if he found himself in such a situation as I am going to nalyze in this paper. Background When a company is hiring new people I am sure we would all like to think that, ok I am hiring an adult he/she will and should know what to do if ever crunched in any bad situation. That cannot and should not be assumed. Proper training is vital for any company. The training of employees is important an d crucial for any company, simply because it majorly contributes to the success or failure of the company. Training is important for managers, current employees and new employees. Although, employees may argue that training is a waste of time it is important to stay on top of everything and always remain prepared for any situation. Continually training and updating within a company is important because it keeps employees up to date on many things such as the use of new technology, technology is forever evolving. Training is an opportunity to introduce and implement new company policies, rule and regulations. Training creates and offers a safe working environment for all employees and managers. It also creates opportunities for personal growth, promotional opportunities and overall a healthy work environment. Furthermore, training is the key ingredient to a company staying on the edge when it comes to its competition. For example; while serving in the United States Air Force we trained on everything. Nothing is too complicated or to irrelevant to train on. After analyzing this case study I thought on what if we did not train as hard and often as we did. We would be jeopardizing this country and it would impact us in very negative way. Everyone plays their part in training from those on the battlefield, those back on station, and even down to those cooking in the kitchens. More specifically, I worked in the Group Control Center for my group. My job was to relay all critical information to 6 squadrons control centers during real world exercise scenarios. At the group level we conducted weekly briefings and inspections of all equipment to ensure readiness for any situation. For a while I thought what is the point of all this training and on the same thing, I thought it was redundant and I already had it under my belt. When we finally had an exercise all the training that I thought was redundant came back to me and helped me to relay the important and vital information. An exercise scenario is presented as if it was real world happening, and there was a ton of pressure. If I was not properly drilled and trained I might have cracked under the pressure such as Carl did in his situation. Key Problems In this case study, the key problems and issues are what seems to be a lack of training and communication on both the managers and employees part. Carl Robins the new hire been at his job six months, although he successfully recruited fifteen new recruits somewhere along the lines he lost what he thought he had under control. He later found that applications were incomplete and not finished. Applications are a basic and general part of applying to a job. If you can’t complete the application process then I believe you should not move any further beyond the application process. He also found that transcripts were not submitted on file. If the company requires that transcripts be submitted that again should be properly communicated to new recruits and also new employees. Also Carl didn’t know that the training room would be blocked and scheduled for maintenance this is another basic but crucial mix up that contributes the success of this project. Carl also had an opportunity to ask Monica any questions when she gave him a call to check on where things were. Although she called to check on the process there were still some things that the company failed to communicate to new employees. Alternatives Alternatives in this situation could be that if managers implement a weekly or monthly training and update meeting or online refresher courses to complete this might have helped Carl to properly think his way out of the situation verses panic. This also gives employees a chance to stay refreshed and on the edge ready for competitors. Another alternative could be that if managers implement a new hire shadow program that way the company will always have communication going within the company. During those six months Carl could have possibly had a co-worker that he felt comfortable enough to ask a question. Maybe he did not ask Monica because he did not want her to question his ability to get the job done. Proposed Solution I propose that ABC, Inc. implement a monthly online training course for the new campus recruits and all other employees in general. Rather it is on new policies and regulations and changes or just to refresh employees on current situations. I would also recommend that ABC, Inc. foster more communication within the company. Little things like knowing the scheduling of the training room is important to when it comes to the success of a project. In conclusion I recommend that ABC, Inc. revise and update the company’s new hire program. Rather it is in house for the new campus recruiter or for the newly recruited hires. The company definitely needs to tighten up the application process. Furthermore, ABC, Inc. should change the way things are communicated within the company. Basic communication is essential for a company to succeed. Proper and effective communication is the basic functions to properly and successfully manage a company. Effective employee training is important to the success of any business. Also proper training programs provide benefits for employees and the company, but only if they are carefully planned and properly implemented. A clear understanding of policies, job functions, and goals will eventually turn into increased motivation of employees, their morale and productivity and increased profits for the company. Training is a means to a specific end, keeping goals in mind during the development and implementation stages of your training program will assist in creating a clearly defined and effective program.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Building a Portfolio Style Website

Building a Portfolio Style Website Short History and Development of HTML HTML, decrypted as a Hyper Text Markup Language. The first version of HTML appeared in 1986, in 1991 it has been significantly modified. From then until today, there have been several versions of the substantially modified. In 1995 published a second version – HTML 2.0. After the release of the second version immediately began work on the next generation of HTML. And In 1997 comes the recommendation HTML 3.2, which added a mark-up language tables, frames, images and some other important tags. The 4th version of HTML 4.01 started in 1997, recent changes appeared 24.12.1999. HTML5 It is the fifth and current version of the HTML standard; it was published in October 2014. HTML5 structure consists of a plurality of elements:    †¦    †¦ Some few examples tags and applicable attribute of HTML 1. is mandatory for the image element is mandatory for the URL of the link. This is a paragraph. Importance of CSS in web des ign and outline its evolution from CSS1 to CSS3. The first CSS specification, CSS1, became a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation in December 1996. CSS2 came out in 1998. The work on CSS3 has been going on for years, but seems to advance very slowly So, what exactly does CSS stand for? It stands for Cascading Style Sheets — and â€Å"style sheet† refers to the document itself. Ever web browser has a default style sheet, so every web page out there is affected by at least one style sheet — the default style sheet of whatever browser the web page visitor is using — regardless whether or not the web designer applies any styles. For example, my browser’s default font style is Times New Roman, size 12, so if I visited a web page where the designer didn’t apply a style sheet of their own, I would see the web page in Times New Roman, size 12. Examples of rules created in CSS:   p{ color: #02031c; } B)   body{ background -color:   #caefc6; } Outline the four steps involved in developing a site and choice of web authoring tools available. Planning, Research Design Development Testing website Hardware and software tools you need for web design Web designing takes much more than most people think. It is about ensuring that you have all the relevant hardware and software tools required to design a good and appealing website. One of the most important tools you need a computer. A computer to be used for web design should have a large hard disk and Random Access Memory, high processing speed and large storage capacity to be able to process the large video files. The next thing you need is a server that you will use to host the website. Two servers are needed, the hardware and software servers which are important for web hosting. The relevant software for instance Dreamweaver and Microsoft front page need to be available before any progress can be made in construction of the site. How the importance of the following will affect in design a website? Target market Every website should be designed for the target audience – not just for yourself or the site owner. It is therefore very important to understand who your target audience is.

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final paper - Essay Example The destruction of Qing dynasty in 1911 put seeds for the economic development of modern China. All the administrations followed by the Qing dynasty played their own part in making China in its present form. The economic progress of China during post Qing dynasty period can be classified into many stages. Leaders like Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai Shek, The nationalist era, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiao Peng etc played their roles effectively in restructuring and streamlining the Chinese economic growth back on track. Foreign policies and international relations of China are also debatable. Even the leaders of the same communist regime adopted different foreign policies. But the basic purpose of such policies were aimed at the economic progress of China rather than anything else. Sun assumed power immediately after the destruction of Qing dynasty, but forced to resign in 1912 because of his differences with the Nationalist party and the government. But he was successful in regaining the power in 1923 and worked hard for revival of the Chinese economy. He has received immense political, economical and moral supports from USSR. â€Å"Sun summarized his policies in the Three Principles of the People--nationalism, democracy, and socialism† (Chinese Cultural Studies). Sun was a great admirer of Soviet Union and the socialist policies implemented in Soviet Union. He made every conscious effort to plant a Soviet model of economic growth in China. At the same time he was aware of the value of democracy and nationalism in promoting economic growth in China. He never tried to rule China with iron fist unlike the communist regime at present. The Qing dynasty has destroyed the Chinese economy because of their dictatorship and visionless policies. Sun Yat Sen, the father of modern China can be considered as the first person who worked hard for the revival of Chinese economy after 1911. After the death of Sun Yat Sen in 1925, Chiang Kai Shek assumed power and continued

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Understanding the Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding the Concepts - Essay Example However, this has affected customer loyalty and the company’s profits. In order to make profits and offer quality products and services, the company has sought assistance (a better pricing policy) from Prime Pricing Solutions. The development of a detailed pricing policy for Food and Beverage Company or operation comprises of five key stages. These stages include market feasibility study, basic price level and overall percentage gross profit, departmental gross and profit margins, differential profit margins, and other matters such as cover charges, and service charges. The stages will help the company in choosing the best price setting process to establish profitable and sustainable prices for the consumers. In designing the pricing policy for the company, the aforementioned steps will be followed as indicated. The first stage is market feasibility study. Because the company is already established, market feasibility study will not apply. However, there are important things that the company can note from the market feasibility study. First, the feasibility study generates a consumer profile; it describes in detail the consumer’s sex, socioeconomic status, age, nationality among other things. Secon d, it determines the consumer’s average spending power (Kotas, 1999). If the company did not perform a comprehensive market feasibility study, it will be important that it perform it to determine how they are going to price their products and services. It is important to note that the consumer profile has the most detailed and all-pervasive impact on all the food and beverage processes (Kotas, 1999). The second stage is the basic price level and the overall percentage gross profit. Based on the ASP (average spending power) and the consumer profile, the basic price level and the overall percentage of food and beverage gross profits can be determined. Therefore, the company can decide to charge a particular price for the foods and beverages. The

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Modern World History - Assimilation & Exclusion in Societies Research Paper

Modern World History - Assimilation & Exclusion in Societies - Research Paper Example Burchardt et al defined social exclusion as â€Å"†¦the attempt of one group to secure for itself a privileged position at the expense of some other group through a process of subordination..† (p.2). Social exclusion has existed in so many ways and forms in societies. South East Asia generally refers to the nations east of the Indian sub-continent and west of China and the Indian Ocean islands south of these nations. It includes Burma, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Most of the people living in these areas speak dialects of the Austronesian family of languages and they share similar cultural practices and animist religious traits (McKay, p.429). In the 13th Century, Jewish, Christian and Muslim influences were felt in the region by traders. After the 1300s the Muslims established the Malacca which became a trading entry point and flourished in trade (McKay, 430) In 1511, the Portuguese captured Malacca and the Spanish occupied Manilla in 1571. Th is marked the beginning of world-class social exclusion in this region. The Europeans sent missionaries to convert the Southeast Asians with a view of training them to integrate into their Europeanized colonies. Mendelssohn & Marika report that the Europeans used the support of these Europeanized natives to suppress ‘inferior’ tribes. ... They were granted second grade status. (Bauer, p79) In 1599, a Dutch fleet containing large quantities of spices returned to Amsterdam and this prospect caused them to establish the Dutch East Indies Company with the intention of taking over the spice trade from the Portuguese (Kagan et al p.77). The Dutch East Indies Company became the national tool for the colonization of several islands in South East Asia by the 1700s. Britain followed with the colonization of Malaysia and some other lands in the region whilst the French took over the territory now known as Vietnam. The next thing that followed was widespread social exclusion, where white Europeans were living privileged lives on the socio-economic plane whilst the natives toiled on the farms. â€Å"In Southeast Asia, economic profit was the immediate and primary aim of the colonial enterprise. For that purpose, colonial powers tried wherever possible to work with local elites to facilitate the exploitation of natural resources. Indirect rule reduced the cost of training European administrators and had a less severe impact on the social group.† (Duiker, p36). The colonial powers forced the natives to work hard on plantations in very harsh conditions. The Europeans exported all the products, mainly palm oil and spices to Europe, which they sold for very high profit margins. Duiker reports that the South East Asian barely had enough to feed himself and his family. However, the Europeans and their ‘priyayi’ (native collaborators) enjoyed luxurious lives in Southeast Asia whilst the locals were denied rights to basic necessities like education, healthcare and justice. The main advantage of colonialism is that it set the stage for the modernization of these nations.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Denver Art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Denver Art museum - Essay Example Martin Plaza serves as an interesting hub to the Civic Center Cultural Complex. The four featured staples in this area are ‘Denver Monoliths’ by Beverly Pepper, ‘Scottish angus Cow and Calf’ by Dan Ostermiller ‘Big Sweep’ by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg all ranging between 13-40 feet and inside the Hamilton Building is ‘ENGI’ by Tatsuo Miyajima right by the El Pomar Grand Atrium (Denver Art Museum, pars. 1-4). The most fascinating among these paintings for me is the 35-foot sculpture the ‘Big Sweep’ created by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg. The sculpture is a gigantic installation of a broom and dustpan in color. The strands of the broom is actually in a sweeping motion where there are pieces of what appears to be crumpled white paper projected right into the oblique position of the dustpan. This gives the impression of movement and that the pieces of trash are actually being brushed into the receptacle and the final act would entail having to dispose of the same. It is a very colourful and attractive piece of art with the vibrancy of the paint colors used to complete it. The dustpan is large solid blue shaped in a handheld sort complete with a whole on the upper side of the grip where such item is hooked onto the wall for storage. The broom has the feel of flexibility with its threads on relatively different angles in varied colors such as blue, black and red. The band which holds the strand of the broom clenches it to the handle of the broom in solid yellow. The most prominent smaller parts of the sculpture are the two crumpled white pieces that looks like paper. On the flooring are dusts of white which completes the whole idea of a dirty surrounding in need of cleaning. The sculpture, with its bright colors and mundane appeal, can be easily mistaken for somewhat like a comedic piece by any other person. To a small child it is not far fetch to view it as the kind of things one sees in a playground. The fact of its

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing - Essay Example They include the Strong model, Manley’s model and Benner’s model. To solve the problems above, the Strong model is the most effective due to its seven encompassing and interrelated domains. The nurses have a role to play in ensuring that the quality of patient care given to patients is high and satisfying. Quality healthcare is paramount for the development of the society and the whole nation at large. The importance of having healthy citizens cannot be understated, and this directly points to the vital and crucial roles played by the nurses. Advanced practice nursing is paramount in ensuring that the nurses who help patients and the general society are not only qualified but also provide the best of services for everyone. The healthcare that nurses provide plays a great role in saving lives, minimizing complications, campaigning and promoting the well being of people, prevention and reduction of suffering and also plays a great role in reducing health related expenditures (Patient-Centered Care, 2013). As a career, nursing has advocated for the frail and the vulnerable and has enlightened the community, all in a bid to improve the quality of life. Suzanne Gordon described the important roles that nurses play (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013). She described how nurses, with their deep and con siderable knowledge take care of the patients from the dire consequences of diseases and illnesses, infirmity and physical challenges, and the challenges of undergoing some illnesses. They take care of the patients in hospitals and in care homes, or even by caring for them at their homes when the patients lose their ability to perform much of the daily tasks, even the most basic of them such as turning in bed, going for long or short calls, walking around the house or even feeding (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013). Diagnosis, prescription and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Effects of hoarding on market prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effects of hoarding on market prices - Essay Example As a basic economic rule, whenever a supply of a particular item is less than the quantity demanded, the former puts inflationary pressure on the price of the goods and prices increase, if the quantity supplied could not match the quantity demanded. This can be shown through pictorial representation: The above diagram shows how hoarding affects the equilibrium condition in the market and increases the market prices. If we explain the above diagram, we can easily see that the Indian food is at a point e, where demand and supply equal at market price p1 and at quantity Q. However, as soon as the hoarding activity, this results in supply curve being shift to s1 from initial supply curve of S. As a result of this a new equilibrium is formed at the point e1. At this point the quantity is below the initial quantity of Q at Q1. (Sloman, 2004) Similarly, due to this a shortage has been created and people with more money are ruling the market by the virtue of being able to pay higher prices. As a result the market price of food items increases high and now the food stuff is available at a higher market price of p1. As a result this hoarding decreases the supply and increases the market prices. ... Now, let's assume that at the time when hoarding activities are going and due to poor crop the going market prices are set at the price p. However, due to effective government action against hoarders and release of buffer stock into the market, the supply of food items in the market will now increase to a new supply position of Se. We can clearly see that Se is rightward of the supply curve at the time hoarding that is Sh. This shows that the supply in the market has increased. This increase in supply means that there is more food stuff now available in the market at quantity Qe. This will reduce the market prices from previous prices which at the time of hoarding were at ph to pe. This analysis clearly shows how effective action by the government against hoarders can reduce the market prices and bring inflation of food items under control. Thus, we can assume that the article is suggesting the right ploy by which the Government of India can bring prices under control. (Clermont, 200 9) Another issue that has been raised in the article is how India is using measures to reduce their trade deficit by introducing export benefits for businesses in India which will increase their competitiveness in the international market. This means that government will give them tax holidays. As a result of which cost of production in India will reduce which will lower the prices of "Made In India" products. As a result of which imported goods for Indians will become expensive and hence Indians will prefer domestic production and hence reduce imported goods. This will means that India will have a lower cash outflow and hence this will improve the foreign trade situation in India.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

A Short Analysis Of Articles About Teachers Essay

A Short Analysis Of Articles About Teachers - Essay Example The article highlights the importance of technology in bringing out the leadership role of teachers. The authors have used data based on the survey of well-known schools, to know how teachers and leaders collaborate to bring up the best leadership using technology.  As an educational leader, I can use this knowledge to encourage my staff to learn competencies to become teacher-leaders, who can use technology to enhance learning in their classroom settings. It is very important if we want our teachers to be able to spread learning through the most modern and sophisticated way.  Gunn, T.M., & Hollingsworth, M. (2013). The implementation and assessment of a shared 21st century learning vision: A district-based approach. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(3), 201-228.  The study is based on changes that a school district went through when it conducted a professional development study focusing technological advancements in the area of learning. Teachers participated in the professional development study, and the number of hours that they had undertaken in the study showed how willing they were in embracing teaching by technology.  As an educational leader, I will use this information to start many such seminars and programs that aim at spreading awareness about teaching by technology. I would like to inform schools and teachers that teaching through technology is the greatest demand of the time. I would make my staff participate in authentic professional development courses and programs, o that they learn how to incorporate information and communication technology in their teaching process.  This study was conducted in 17 final year secondary school classes for Applied Information Technology course in Australia. The schools initially used assessment through traditional pen and paper system.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Hobsons Choice Essay Example for Free

Hobsons Choice Essay Maggie is the eldest of Hobsons three daughters. Of the three she is the most intelligent and most valuable to Hobson. She has a very hardened appearance and almost mothers the other three, Hobson, Vicky and Alice. In the beginning of the book, she works in Hobsons shoe shop along with her two sisters. She is a great sales woman and because of this, she is very valuable to Hobson, Hobson himself says Maggies to useful to part with. Brighouse has written Maggie into the play to be very forcefully and dominant. She does not let a customer go out of the shop without making a purchase. This happened when Albert Prosser came into see Alice, his girlfriend. Maggie turned to him and exclaimed This is a shop, you know. Were not here to let people go out without buying. These qualities make Maggie a very successful businessperson. It is these qualities that make Maggie so important to her father, Hobson. If Maggie were to leave then the business would cease and Hobson would be in a very big mess. I think Maggie struggles when it comes to love and marriage, which inevitably creates problems for her. I do not think she knows how to express her feelings properly without hurting others feelings. She does not think courting should be carried out before marriage. Maggie states Courtings like that my lass. All glitter and no use to anybody. I think this is why Will Mossop is so surprised when Maggie asks him to marry her. They had not courted at all before Maggies proposal. I think Brighouse has made Maggies character seem even stranger by this as it was very unusual for a proposal to come from a woman in those days. I think she has this problem because she is so dominant and strong. In the shop she is so used to getting her way first time round that she expects it to happen every time. Will Mossop does eventually agree to marry her but only after some persuasion. Maggies knows her father inside out. She knows that Hobson drinks a lot of alcohol. The book starts with a conversation between Maggie, Alice and Vicky. Vicky asks Maggie if Hobson has had breakfast yet and Maggie replies Breakfast! With a Masons meeting last night? Every time Hobson goes out, he is always late back and has always had too much to drink. This irritates Maggie as he is always late for dinner and results in her nagging her farther. Maggie can be rude in the way she teats people. Just before she proposes to Will, she says its a pity youre a natural fool at all else. She also treats her sisters in a horrid way. Its as if she is jealous of something they have that she does not. I think Brighouse wants the audience to see Maggie as a strong minded, dominant character and portrays her as such by making her an important lead in the story. She is the centre hub upon which all the other characters depend to interact in the story. She is a key character who plays a very large role in the first act.